Update from NES – Mar. 5, 2019 – Quorum Achieved, Results to be certified by Mar. 20

Subject: *Congratulations! We have met Quorum for All Elections – Preliminary Stats
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2019 21:14:24 -0800
From: Renee A Penaloza <nes@pacifica.org>

Thank you all for pushing these last days. It helped us meet quorum.
Election results will be certified no later than March 20th, as early as March 15th.
I wanted to share the following descriptive comparison between 20016 and 2018 election cycles. 
In the final report I will run some statistical tests to confirm whether the differences between the year are significantly different or not.
For the moment – these are just for observation and not to be taken as final.
I purposefully have not included the actual numerator and denominators. This is because I have yet to certify the results.

KPFA L14%15%
KPFA S52%38%
KPFK L11%14%
KPFK S42%33%
KPFT L17%15%
KPFT S46%36%
WBAI L14%14%
WBAI S47%36%
WPFW S43%31%

As you can see, we did much better in all Staff elections, again without testing this we cannot say for sure – but – I think that the result will be a significant increase in Staff voter participation at every station. For the listener election – we have a mixed bag. Again – hard to tell if these differences are significant.

Renee A Penaloza
2018 National Election Supervisor
Pacifica Foundation